Monday, March 17, 2014

The Moon
Hi guys were going to talk about the moon agian.
The Myth
Right now we are going to talk about one of the myths about the moon. One is "So wolves howl at the Full moon?"  No, sure they howl but this has nothing to do with a Full moon. Wolves are usually next to a full moon but they are really howling to find other wolves because they found food or something else. The howling has nothing to do with a full moon.


some people ask me "does the moon go through phases?" This is going to answer their question. The moon does go through phases. There are 10 phases in all. Here are all the phases the moon goes through.

- new moon
-waxing crescent
- 1st quarter
- waxing gibbous
- full moon
- 3rd quarter 
- waning gibbous
- waning  crescent
Then all over again

The moon takes about 27.3 days to orbit around the earth which is nearly a month.


Why don't we get eclipses daily? Well the reason we don't get eclipses daily is because of the way the moon and the earth orbits. If the earth did not orbit the sun then we would always have eclipses daily.  The reason we don't is because the moon goes below and above the earth. So when we have an eclipse it will be at least a decade from now. Let's move on now.
  Light versus dark
  One side of the moon is light and the other is dark. So we only see one side of the moon and we never see the dark side. Like I said before the moon has phases. The moons light side changes through its orbit. The moon is not always 100% light all the time. The moon is always light by the sun. Now that we know all of that we can move on.
  Definition time!

New moon-when we can't see the moon because the moon is dark and it's back is to us
Waxing crescent- the 1st phases we can see
Waxing gibbous- more than half or first quarter
1st quarter- half
Full moon- 100% of the moon is showing
Waning gibbous - getting lesser
3rd quarter- after the waning gibbous
Waning crescent - the last phase
Waning gibbous phases- getting lesser going to the new moon
 Lunar month- the moon is going through the phases.

Monday, March 10, 2014

The Moon
              Hi I'm back! Today we are going to talk about the moon and why it is so amazing.
Bright Object
            Right now I'm here with Emma The Meap! OK so Emma The Meap on my blog people have been asking me "Why is the moon so Bright?" Well Emma The Meap can you answer that please?  Emma The Meap: Sure. Well the moon is so bright because the sun's light reflects off of the moon ( at night) onto the Earth. The moon does not make it's own light. Science Meap: Well now that we know that we should probably move on.

 Some people ask me "why doesn't the moon always appear a perfect circle all the time?" Well I have ScientificMeap here with me so she will tell you why. ScientificMeap: Well the reason the moon doesn't appear a perfect circle all the time is because the sun hits the moon on different angles. The sun doesn't hit the moon on the same spot all the time. That's one reason the moon goes through phases. Science Meap: OK well were going to talk about something else.
How many days does it take for the moon to completely orbit the moon? Well it take 27.3 days for the moon to orbit completely. It takes 8 days for the moon to go to a full moon to the 2nd full moon and the passage of time is called the moon cycle. So we are going to move on and go to another subject.  
What does the moon look like exactly. The moon has highlands and dark spots. The dark spot consits 20% of the moon.  The moons surface has craters that may of had seas a long time ago and is also very rocky.  The moon has no atmosphere and meteors can just crash right into the moon. So we are going to move on now.

Interesting Facts
  1. Neil Armstrong was the first man on the moon
  2. Apollo 15 was the first mission to use a lunar rover
  3. In China, the dark shadows that are on the moon are called "the toad in the moon".
Those are some facts on the moon.
Well I hoped you liked my blog bye.


Sunday, March 2, 2014

Hello today we are going to talk about Neptune. The amazing awesome planet! So first we are going to talk about how Neptune was discovered and how Neptune got it's name.

How It was discovered and how it got it's name

      How was Neptune discovered exactly Scientific Meap? Scientific Meap: Well Neptune was discovered mathematically. Sometimes Uranus was going fast and sometimes it was going slow. Science Meap: Sooooooo? Scientific Meap: Stop it I'm doing my thing. Anyway, that's when things got weird. Mathematicians and astronomers thought there has to be another planet effecting Uranus. There was It's name was Neptune. Science Meap: OK that's really cool, now get off my show Science Cat is coming. Scientific Meap:

      Well now we are going to talk about how Neptune got it's name. How did it get it's name Science Cat? Science Cat: Neptune is name the god of the sea a.k.a Poseidon/ Neptune. Neptune was named god of the sea because it was so blue and it's the color of water. Science Meap: Is it that simple? Science Cat: That simple. Science Meap: Well were going to move on. 

Compare and Contrast 

Right now we are going to compare Neptune to the other gas giants Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus.

  1. Jupiter's magnetic field is the strongest out of all the gas giants
  2. Neptune has stronger winds
  3. Saturn has more moons than Neptune
  4. Neptune and Jupiter both have a big spot
  5. Uranus and Neptune are the only planets that we can't see from Earth.
  6. And so much more!

Well That's all for comparing and contrasting. We'll move on.


Now we are going to talk about Neptune's storms. Right now I have Science fairy here with me. Science Fairy: Hello everyone. Well I'm going to talk about storms now. First we are going to talk about the Great Dark Spot on Neptune.  The Great Dark Spot is similar to Jupiter's spot.  The Great Dark Spot was first discovered when the Voyager 2 spacecraft flew by Neptune in 1989.  The Great Dark Spot moves across Neptune's surface really quickly. It moves across it's surface 300 meters per second.  Science Meap: What is the Small Dark Spot? Science Fairy: The Small Dark Spot is just like The Great Dark Spot except smaller.  The Small Dark Spot is south of The Great Dark Spot.  It was found missing on June 1994 when the Hubble Space Telescope imaged Neptune.  There is also a storm called The Scooter.  Voyager 2 found an irregular shaped cloud that flies eastward around the circumference of Neptune every sixteen hours. It is called the Scooter for this reason.  Science Meap: Well that's it for storms let's move on.


How many moons does Neptune have? Neptune has 13 moons. One of Neptune's moons is named Triton. Triton is Neptune's largest moons.  Discovered in 1846 by British astronomer William Lassell.  Triton was found three weeks after itself Neptune was found.  Triton moves the opposite direction that Neptune does.  Well that's it for moons.

Interesting Facts

  1. Neptune has only been passed by one spacecraft, Voyager 2 which flew by on the 25th of August 1989
  2. Neptune is the first planet to be found mathematically
  3. It's orbit distance is 4,498,396,441 km 
  4. and there are so many more facts

Well bye everyone hope you liked my blog
