Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The Big Bang
Hey guys its Science Meap again. Today were going to talk about The Big Bang! What is The Big Bang you ask? Well The Big Bang is a One Explosion! BOOM! Woo what is that I think that was The Big Bang! No that was my friend popping balloons. Hey that's a great example! Think of a balloon at the beginning its a small little thing. You blow it up and if you blow it up enough it Will pop. POP! Stop popping the balloons! Back to the balloon that is exactly what happened with the singularity! You never and I say never know when it will blow up. POP! by. I said quit popping the balloons! Anyway lets talk about other things.

The universe is 14.5 billion years old.  It was scorching hot when it exploded it was 100,000 billion billion billion degrees.  This one person said that the universe was just there. The Big Bang was correct! there was hard evidence that the big bang did happen. There was left over radiation from the explosion. Well bye!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

                                                                Scientific Method

First what is the Scientific Method. The scientific Method is a seiris of steps that scientist use to find an answer   a question.

The steps are...

  1. Ask a question- What is your question.
  2. form a hypothesis-What do you think will happen?
  3. Creat an expirement- To show if your hypothesis is right or wrong.
  4. Preform it- Show it to a group of people.
  5. Anylize the data-Is the data reliable?
  6. The last step communicate you resultes- Your done yea!

Here is a question for everyone! Is there only 1 hypothesis? What is your opinon? I learned that there is not only one but a billion more! Why? Let me make this simpile for you people like to make thier own hypothsis! Why? They don't like to do it the first way I showed you they just like to make thier own then.