Thursday, August 22, 2013

                                                                Scientific Method

First what is the Scientific Method. The scientific Method is a seiris of steps that scientist use to find an answer   a question.

The steps are...

  1. Ask a question- What is your question.
  2. form a hypothesis-What do you think will happen?
  3. Creat an expirement- To show if your hypothesis is right or wrong.
  4. Preform it- Show it to a group of people.
  5. Anylize the data-Is the data reliable?
  6. The last step communicate you resultes- Your done yea!

Here is a question for everyone! Is there only 1 hypothesis? What is your opinon? I learned that there is not only one but a billion more! Why? Let me make this simpile for you people like to make thier own hypothsis! Why? They don't like to do it the first way I showed you they just like to make thier own then.

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