Sunday, October 20, 2013

 So today we are going to talk about something amazing!  Its about how scientist think they have cracked the code for getting ride and going into a BLACK HOLE!  hThe scientist think that gravintaional wavelengths can make a black hole just disappear. Wait a second some of you don't know what a black hole is! Well a black hole is a hole that is black and nothing can escape it not even light! How can gravitational wavelengths possible help us crack the code to a black hole???

So why is the code wavelengths? No one knows for sure.  A gravitational wave is a brother/sister to a ripple in space-time.  Albert Einstein found out that in our bodies is how the waves are created and so whenever we put our body or any ones body in a black hole the black hole gets weaker and weaker and weaker. After about 100,000,000 bodies/people are in there the black hole will eventually die and disappear. That is the code to making a black hole disappear but in 5 years or so it comes back where ever it died cause it does not die forever mahhhahhhahahahha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well my opion abouot this story was that it is really cool and they have cracked the code to makeing a black hole dissapear.



  1. a few grammer mistakes i liked your pictures. 90% aloos

  2. hi alex i like your report but the dance picture is not with the sub. but more pics.
