Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Mercury and Venus

Hello I know I have not done a blog in a while so here I am!  So today we are going to talk about Mercury and Venus!

                                              Compare and Contrast

What exactly do Mercury and Venus have in common

  • Their both really really hot!
  • Mercury and Venus both have moutians.
  • So Much More!!!
  • Venus has volcano's and Mercury does not.
  • Venus is really slow relvoling and mercury is the fastest planet.
  • Venus is hot all the time.
  • Mercury at night goes down to -180 degrees Celsius.
On We Go!

Where is Venus you ask well Venus is the 2nd planet in the solar system. Venus is hot all the time even at night time.  Hi Science Cat we're talking about Venus want to help? Sure. So why can't we live on Venus Science Cat? Well Venus is so hot about 900 degrees Celsiuses so it will be a quick death for people who go onto Venus. No does that mean I'm going to get pulled into the core! No it means that you'll die and stuff! Any way let's talk about Mercury.

Mercury is the smallest planet and the closest to the sun. Mercury is also the fastest planet! So let's talk about it's surface temperature. Why exactly does the surface vary so much. So at night it is -180 degrees and at night it is hot enough to melt lead. So the reason why is because the place of the sun. On one side the sun is not over there and so it is really cold even ice is in the craters. On the other side the sun is over there and it's really really hot. ON WE GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Where do mercury's and Venuses  name come from well I had to research it so here it is
Mercury: It was named after the messenger god, Mercury.
Venus: It was named after the goddess love and beauty.



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