Saturday, November 16, 2013

Hello everyone today we are going to talk about mars! Lets go on an adventure today!
Roman Mythology
Let's talk about roman mythology first. So what is mars named after exactly? Well this is why were talking about roman mythology! Well Mars is named after the roman god named Mars and the Greek version Ares. So it was named after him and it means "war". Just saying I think Venus and Mars should switch names. Well anyway let's move on shall we?
The Red Planet

How did Mars get the name Red Planet Science Cat? Well because in the sky it looks really red and because of it's rich-red soil. No Way!  Mars gets the Red Planet name so many things right Science cat! Yeah! So another name is from the color of war. Why? Because it's red!  Well anyway we should really move on.
 Mars has two moons 
Phobos /Fear
Deimos /terror
There only small chunks of rock that are caught in rotation with mars. Why are they named fear and terror though? Well their named fear and terror because mars is named after war and you fear it and you have terror when it is happening. That's kind of scary just saying. Anyway let's move on.

                                              Atmosphere and Temp
What is Mar's temperature and Atmosphere like? Well Mar's temp can go to -55. That's really low and cold. What is Mar's atmosphere made of. It is 75% carbon dioxide and the other half is well I do not know. Mar's has dust storms and if you go there wait you probeley can't! Well anyway on we go.
 People think there might be water on mars and I totally agree with them. Why?  Well because  there are polar ice caps and the polar ice caps are made out of water but frozen. There are also channels but when people first saw them they thought they were canals. Well their not so deal with it. There has to be water in the polar ice caps right. I still agree on that so ya let's move on.

Comparing Earth and Mars
What do mars and Earth have in common? Well let's see.
  1. They both have south and north pole
  2.  They look alike
  3. they both have mountain
  4. they both have volcano's
  5. They both have a mountain  name Mt. Olympus
And so much more!!!                  
My Top 5
  1. Mars was named after the Roman god Mars.
  2. Mars might have water.
  3. Mar's moons are fear and terror.
  4. It's moons are asteroids
  5. It has a iron core.
Peace Out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




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