Thursday, December 5, 2013

Comets, Asteroids, and Meteors
Hello everyone we are going to talk about Comets, Asteroids, and Meteors! Let's talk about comets first. 

It's so cool I might faint! This tail is so long it's 10,000 miles long

   First let's talk about what a comets look like.  They are called the dirty snow ball because their made out of ice, dust and carbon. They have a tail obviously a nucleus and the head.  The head is made up out of you know dirt and all the other stuff.  The tail is made of gas. The gas comes when sublimation.  What is sublimation Emma the Meap? Well Meap sublimation is a process of when a solid turns into a gas. That is fascinating!

   How do comets change when they come close to the sun Amisha? The tail wold become visible and the tail would be point away from the sun because of solar wind.  As the comet got closer to the sun the comet would melt and melt and the closer it gets the faster the melting gos on.  So it would just melt right Amisha? Yes it would Meap. OK well we have to move on.

links for comets:


Let's talk about asteroids now.  Asteroids are basically flying rocks in space. No just kidding the are way more complicated than just flying rocks in space.  Let's not get into that it's to long and complicated. Instead, let's talk about how asteroids and comets are different. 

This is how they are different:
  1. comets have tails asteroids don't
  2. Comets orbit as one 
  3. Asteroids orbit as an asteroid belt
  4. And so many more!

Links for Asteroids 

 and the picture links

We are going to move on know let's move on!


 We are going to talk about meteors now.  Meteors are also flying rocks in the sky. Why do I keep saying that? Well as I said before it is way more complicated that that. Just flying rocks in space( mocking tone) Yeah right. Well we are not going into all that science and learning and stuff. Where going to learn what a meteor shower is!  Well a meteor shower is when meteors fall from the sky and wow that wasn't complicated at all. Let's talk how all of them are different in their own way.

This is how they are different:

  1. Comets have tails the others do not
  2. Asteroids can have tiny asteroids revolving around them.
  3.  And so many more!
 Meteor links:

Why should Scientist Keep studying Comets?

Why should they keep studying comets Science Cat?  Well Meap what if there is an comet and it's coming for us and we stopped studying them and it was about to hit how would be ready! That's a good point. And they can unlock our past. That's another good point.  So let me get this straight if the scientist stopped studying the comets we could get hit and we would never know how we got here? Yes you have it right. Then I should tell the Astronomers to start studing agian. I'll be right back.

Intresting Facts! :D

 Asteroids- Asteroids and planets share a common birth.  There are C,D,S, and V class asteroids.  Most asteroids are covered in dust.  An asteroid may have killed the dinosaurs.

My link- 

Comets- comets may of brought life to earth. comets have 2 tails not one. comet left overs create meteor showers.Comets have been extinct.  


Meteors-. It is illegal to buy or sell meteorites in South Africa.   A meteorite smaller than 2mm in diameter is called a micrometeorite.  Around 500 meteorites are thought to reach the Earth’s surface every year but only five or six of those are recovered for scientists to study.
link-link 3

That's all 4 today Bye! :D :D :D :D :D 


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