Sunday, December 15, 2013

 Warning Jupiter is Coming
Warning were talking about Jupiter! Since ScienceCat kicked me out (cough cough) you stink. Anyway my amazing class is here today and were going to talk about Jupiter. Emma the Meap: Jupiter is so majestic! Anyway moving on. Were going to talk about how it got it's name.
How it got it's name
How did Jupiter get it's name? Scientific Meap: Well this is how Jupiter got the name Jupiter.  Jupiter is a majestic amazing roman god who was the god of sky and thunder.  Meap: Don't forget he is the king of gods! Scientific Meap: Right Right I know.  Anyway.  Meap: But how did Jupiter get it's name that's the whole point. Scientific Meap: okay. Well the reason they picked the name Jupiter is because it's all big and "mighty" and so Jupiter is all big and "mighty" so they gave it that name. Get it? Meap: Got it. Scientific Meap and Meap: Let's move on!

Charaistics of Jupiter
Now ScienceCat will you tell me what are some charismatics about the majestic Jupiter. 
  1. 620 miles deep
  2.  made of hydrogen and helium with little  amounts of methane, water, ammonia, and hydrogen sulfide.
  3. Ganymede is the largest moon
  4. Europa's surface is mostly ice
  5. Europa is thought to have twice as much water as does Earth.
  6. Scientists now think that this constant rising, surfacing and coating of the crust by liquid water allows plenty of oxygen to pass into the oceans.
  7. That's all.
Here is a list of some of Jupiter's many moons

                               Red Giant Spot

What is the red giant spot exactly? Well this may be suprising but it's a big huge storm that has been going on for more than 300 years probly before Adam and Eve. Three  earths or more can fit in the big giant red spot.Thats suprising because it's so small. Just kidding anyway.  It's rotation ( the spot's) is counterclockwise. There are so many more things to talk about but this blog is about Jupiter not the giant spot. Let's move on.
What are Jupiter's differences with the inner planets exactly well let's see...
  1. Jupiter is made out of gas.
  2.  called terrestrial planets because they have a solid surface and are similar to Earth
  3. one of the densest planest.
  4. Has the most moons
  5. so mch more
Insteresting facts on Jupiter
Here are some insteresting facts on jupiter
  1.  Jupiter can’t ever become a star
  2.  Jupiter is the fastest spinning planet in the Solar System
  3. The Clouds on Jupiter are only 50 km thick
  4. Jupiter’s magnetic field is 14 times as strong as Earth
  5. Jupiter has rings

Links 4 info
That's it PEACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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