Monday, February 3, 2014

The Dog Paddle 

Researches have connected canine swimming patterns  to early aquatic mammals. A guy named Frank Fish wanted to design experiments  for the first in-depth look at the dog paddle. He did experiments on his own dogs. Science Cat: Wow this is going to be really shocking! Sciencemeap: Go away Science Cat! Science Cat: Fine. Sciencemeap: Well we should move on.

Dog Paddle

Fish wanted to know how the canine went about the dog paddle.  No one has actually defined what the dog paddle is.  Fish took eight dogs from the pound and experimented on them. Three of them were his own the others were from the dog pound.  "It's not like they were throwing dog into the water." He said. They actually pick dogs who like to swim.  

Doggie paddle

They set up the underwater cameras and brought the dogs in.  When the dogs were in the water they recorded the dogs leg movements.  By analyzing the videos they figured out that the dogs movements are similar to the aquatic trot.  This mean the dogs are off-springs of aquatic trot and the wolves. 


   Bye! Hope you had fun!

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