Friday, September 26, 2014

Best Friend Forever!

Best Friends For Life!
     I'm sorry I haven't been posting much, but here's another blog! This blog is going to be about best friends. Mostly about my best friend and I. My best friend name is Molly/ Molly's blog. Molly is one of my very best friends so... Let's start!
How We Met
   Molly and I meet on the first day of kindergarten. I was playing with the dinosaurs and Molly wanted to play to, so she came over. We started talking and became best friends. Molly: What a touching story...( clap...clap...clap). Alex: Anyway.. We would go on the swings and talk and do a lot of stuff together. So yeah on to the next majestic story of awesomeness.
Growing Up

   Molly and I grew up, but we never grew apart. When I did something Molly did it to, when she did something I did it with her.  Molly grew and I grew we would always be head to head in height but I came out first. We were in 5th grade and there were 22 people in the grade. Every time at recess we would get our three other friends and chat on the swings. We would talk about boys and some other things. That's all I can tell you right now. let's go
7th Grade

  Here we are the 7th grade and we have never moved apart. Molly and I grew together having parties, sleepovers, and more. 7th grade only consists of 6 people. Three of them are my friends. There's Molly(  who I have been talking about this whole time), Mari, And Stephanie. 8th grade is all boys and they are all stupid. Let's go to the next paragraph.
Molly's hair is to her thighs and she has a mix of all different types of blonde hair. Molly's 5/6 in a 1/2 and I'm 5/8. Molly like really cute things. Molly likes the kind of music that's popular and me I like those kind of songs but I like muse, Two Door Cinema Club, and U2. Molly and I might have things different but we have things in common to.
  Well bye that's my blog!  


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