Sunday, May 11, 2014

Water Cycle
       Hello my friends! Today we are going to talk about... The Water Cycle! I have a special guest today her name is Scientific Meap. Hi Scientific Meap can you help me with the amazing water cycle. Yes I will because I am amazing. OK well let's just move on. 

How it works

Some people ask me how does the water cycle work? Well Scientific Meap is going to tell you. The water cycle is not that complicated. First it starts in a river, lake, or ocean that's called collection. Then the sun heats up the water and turns it to water vapor. It's also invisible.  Don't interrupt me. That's called evaporation.  Next the water cools down and turns back into water droplets and turn into clouds. That's called condensation.  Then when the clouds get to heavy it rains that's called precipitation. That's how it work, but those are the things that people know about. There are also some minor things like runoff and infiltration.
runoff- occurs when soil is infiltrated to full capacity.
infiltration- water that soaks into the ground and stays there.
Those are all the minor things



How exactly is climate and weather patterns alike to the water cycle?  Well the water cycle is a major factor in both weather and climate. The water cycle is both the most dominant  and more complex.  Climate change is also dominated by the water cycle not carbon dioxide.  The water cycle contains enormous energy flows that shape Earth’s climate.  Well that's all for to day! hope you liked my blog.



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