Monday, September 16, 2013

Hello! We are going to talk about black holes! Scary AHHHHHH! Ok anyway... So what are blackholes you ask. Weellll a blackhole is invisable holes that suck things into it. There are two places in a black hole, Event Horizon and No Return! SCARY!!!

Blackhole sucking in star
What makes a blackhole you ask. Well things. Fine I'll tell you. A blackhole can be made two diffrent ways. 1) the fuel eventually runs out and it implodes. 2) A collection of matter at the center of a galaxy and it callapes on itself! AHHHHHH!!!!!

Star exploding
You see an black hole is so strong that even light can't escape it! Thats why its called a black hole. What? You don't know what I mean! There's no light in a black hole so its dark.  BOOOOM! Hey its a star exploding!!!  AHHHH run for your life! Just kiding.
Black holes may be small but thier powerful... Some black holes in the center of galaxys are about Two million miles across! Wow thats a lot Sciencecat!  Some people like to think as them as Worm holes! Why Meap? Welll its a hole and... I don't want to explain this! 
There are two kinds of blackholes. 1) Schwarzschild- a non rotating black hole and 2)Kerr- a rotating black hole. A Schwarzchild  is very simple it only has an event horizen and a singularity. A Kerr on the otheer hand is less simple it rotates, has a event horizen and a singularity!PEACE OUT!!!!


  1. I like that you put alot of info. And your pictures are awsome they go with your info. You wrote it in a way that i could understand. Great

  2. Hello Alex! I like how easy it was to follow. I also liked how you added the links under the pics. I did see some puncuation and spelling mistakes though. I will be happy to proofread after you are done. Other than that, great job!

  3. I like that it was easy to follow. And your pictures were great and went with the topic. You had some spelling mistakes though.
