Thursday, September 5, 2013

Our Milky Way
The Milky Way is a galaxy That we live in. Were just a tiny tiny spec of  the Milky Way. From the
 Earth the galaxy looks milky and hazy. That is why we call it the Milky Way.  
                                                                                                                                      Black hole
Some astronomers think there is a Supermassive Blackhole in the middle of the galaxy! A black hole is when two or a group of stars clasp and turn into a blackhole!  You may think a black hole is cool like my friend over there but its not! Not even light can escape the pull of the black hole! Thats bad.  There are other things lets get away from the black holes or else it will suck us in.  The earth is located on the Orion arm.  Our solar system orbits or goes around the galactic center.  The Milky Way is made up of planets,gas, dust, and a unknown substance called dark matter. What is a Halo. You may think that it is a hat that angels wear thats one thing but a Halo is outside of a disk is the Halo.  Our Solar system is only a little spec of our galaxy! We look that small! Yes Emma we do look that small.  We are 26,000 light years away from the center! Thats a lot!



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