Sunday, September 29, 2013

Hey yo peeps! So were going to learn abbout the life cycle of stars! Amazing right!  Sorry so happy to teach you about this.  First were going to talk about steller nurseries. What are stellar nurseries you ask. A stellar nurseier is were baby stars are born. Awwww cut-
e star look over there!
 Lets talk about prostars!  A prostar is like a baby star. Acually it is excactly a baby star. One day it will go into the main- sequence of its life! Not so cute then. Stellar nurseries are were prostars are born. You already read about that in the first paragraph. Well lets move on.
Were going to talk about nuclear fusion right now! The fusion in the star's atoms create hydrogien. Nuclear fusion also genrates a lot pf energy causing the star to ingnite.  Just like use except we don't go into flames or exploded...  anyway.  Every star has to ignite at some point. Lets move on people.
Lets talk about the main-sequence stage in the stars life. In the stars main sequence witch is the longest part of the stars life a few things happen. 1) the star starts to lose fuel and 2) then it will turn into a red giant and many more things! Well lets move on. 

         this is what happens after its main sequence.  It dependeds on the stars mass after the main sequence. 1) If it is very very low in mass its main sequence may last a trillion years longer that our universe.  2) If its a mid size star like our sun it will expand into a red giant and swallow us up!!!! 3) If its larger than our sun then it will collapes into a nutron star or a black hole! Anyway lets move on .
After all that scary stuff with all the red giant and stuff it becomes a white dwarf.  After like trillions of years it finally cools down into a white dwarf. A white dwarf is the end of the stars life. So sad. Well not much to a white dwarf really. Well lets move on.

Were going to talk about a plantery nebula. A plantery nebula is made out of gas and dust. It relates to its life cycle of stars because thats how a star stars out. the life cycle is ... plantery nebula, prostar, main sequence, red giant, white dwarf,and more. Lets talk about some thing eles.

Well in a supernova a star has to be larger than our sun. A supernova is a star that collapes on itself and explodes!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ahhhhhh scary!

What is a netron star you ask? Well a nutron star is a very high density star that is packed with nutrons.  They are made by big stars collapeing after a supernova and it spins!!!

What is a pulsar???? Well... it is a spinning nutron star that gives out radio waves. Well not much there. Shall we?

After a supernova what happens? Well after a supernova it can become a nutron star or a black hole. A sigularty is formed to make a black hole. A black hole is a hole that is black and is invisible and nothing can escape it not even light. Well peace out :D :D :D :D



  1. so alex i liked your blog but there were a few grammer mistakes. you put good info on it though and you have good pics. You get an A-

  2. Good pictures and you gave lots of information A+

  3. great info. good pictures. i would gve you an A- because i caught quite a few grammatical errors in ur paragraphs. :P

  4. Good pics. I would give a B+ because only one link and some spelling & grammar. And there wasn't a bunch of info. Just like a sentence, than gone. Especially on the supernova and neutron star. Please don't hunt me down and kill me plz. I know you will.

  5. hi alex your blog was really long if i was a teacher i would it a B+

  6. Good blog, you knew a lot about it. I give you a B

  7. good picture and info, but I would not put that many pictures. overall great.

  8. ya i agree with mari. your blog was wayy too long. but you knew the topic well. thought the background goes with the name, it hurts my eyes.

  9. There was good info and great pics, there was a long space at the bottom but overall good. A

  10. Good lenght and good pics. Sounded like an textbox some times. A-
