Sunday, December 15, 2013

 Warning Jupiter is Coming
Warning were talking about Jupiter! Since ScienceCat kicked me out (cough cough) you stink. Anyway my amazing class is here today and were going to talk about Jupiter. Emma the Meap: Jupiter is so majestic! Anyway moving on. Were going to talk about how it got it's name.
How it got it's name
How did Jupiter get it's name? Scientific Meap: Well this is how Jupiter got the name Jupiter.  Jupiter is a majestic amazing roman god who was the god of sky and thunder.  Meap: Don't forget he is the king of gods! Scientific Meap: Right Right I know.  Anyway.  Meap: But how did Jupiter get it's name that's the whole point. Scientific Meap: okay. Well the reason they picked the name Jupiter is because it's all big and "mighty" and so Jupiter is all big and "mighty" so they gave it that name. Get it? Meap: Got it. Scientific Meap and Meap: Let's move on!

Charaistics of Jupiter
Now ScienceCat will you tell me what are some charismatics about the majestic Jupiter. 
  1. 620 miles deep
  2.  made of hydrogen and helium with little  amounts of methane, water, ammonia, and hydrogen sulfide.
  3. Ganymede is the largest moon
  4. Europa's surface is mostly ice
  5. Europa is thought to have twice as much water as does Earth.
  6. Scientists now think that this constant rising, surfacing and coating of the crust by liquid water allows plenty of oxygen to pass into the oceans.
  7. That's all.
Here is a list of some of Jupiter's many moons

                               Red Giant Spot

What is the red giant spot exactly? Well this may be suprising but it's a big huge storm that has been going on for more than 300 years probly before Adam and Eve. Three  earths or more can fit in the big giant red spot.Thats suprising because it's so small. Just kidding anyway.  It's rotation ( the spot's) is counterclockwise. There are so many more things to talk about but this blog is about Jupiter not the giant spot. Let's move on.
What are Jupiter's differences with the inner planets exactly well let's see...
  1. Jupiter is made out of gas.
  2.  called terrestrial planets because they have a solid surface and are similar to Earth
  3. one of the densest planest.
  4. Has the most moons
  5. so mch more
Insteresting facts on Jupiter
Here are some insteresting facts on jupiter
  1.  Jupiter can’t ever become a star
  2.  Jupiter is the fastest spinning planet in the Solar System
  3. The Clouds on Jupiter are only 50 km thick
  4. Jupiter’s magnetic field is 14 times as strong as Earth
  5. Jupiter has rings

Links 4 info
That's it PEACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Comets, Asteroids, and Meteors
Hello everyone we are going to talk about Comets, Asteroids, and Meteors! Let's talk about comets first. 

It's so cool I might faint! This tail is so long it's 10,000 miles long

   First let's talk about what a comets look like.  They are called the dirty snow ball because their made out of ice, dust and carbon. They have a tail obviously a nucleus and the head.  The head is made up out of you know dirt and all the other stuff.  The tail is made of gas. The gas comes when sublimation.  What is sublimation Emma the Meap? Well Meap sublimation is a process of when a solid turns into a gas. That is fascinating!

   How do comets change when they come close to the sun Amisha? The tail wold become visible and the tail would be point away from the sun because of solar wind.  As the comet got closer to the sun the comet would melt and melt and the closer it gets the faster the melting gos on.  So it would just melt right Amisha? Yes it would Meap. OK well we have to move on.

links for comets:


Let's talk about asteroids now.  Asteroids are basically flying rocks in space. No just kidding the are way more complicated than just flying rocks in space.  Let's not get into that it's to long and complicated. Instead, let's talk about how asteroids and comets are different. 

This is how they are different:
  1. comets have tails asteroids don't
  2. Comets orbit as one 
  3. Asteroids orbit as an asteroid belt
  4. And so many more!

Links for Asteroids 

 and the picture links

We are going to move on know let's move on!


 We are going to talk about meteors now.  Meteors are also flying rocks in the sky. Why do I keep saying that? Well as I said before it is way more complicated that that. Just flying rocks in space( mocking tone) Yeah right. Well we are not going into all that science and learning and stuff. Where going to learn what a meteor shower is!  Well a meteor shower is when meteors fall from the sky and wow that wasn't complicated at all. Let's talk how all of them are different in their own way.

This is how they are different:

  1. Comets have tails the others do not
  2. Asteroids can have tiny asteroids revolving around them.
  3.  And so many more!
 Meteor links:

Why should Scientist Keep studying Comets?

Why should they keep studying comets Science Cat?  Well Meap what if there is an comet and it's coming for us and we stopped studying them and it was about to hit how would be ready! That's a good point. And they can unlock our past. That's another good point.  So let me get this straight if the scientist stopped studying the comets we could get hit and we would never know how we got here? Yes you have it right. Then I should tell the Astronomers to start studing agian. I'll be right back.

Intresting Facts! :D

 Asteroids- Asteroids and planets share a common birth.  There are C,D,S, and V class asteroids.  Most asteroids are covered in dust.  An asteroid may have killed the dinosaurs.

My link- 

Comets- comets may of brought life to earth. comets have 2 tails not one. comet left overs create meteor showers.Comets have been extinct.  


Meteors-. It is illegal to buy or sell meteorites in South Africa.   A meteorite smaller than 2mm in diameter is called a micrometeorite.  Around 500 meteorites are thought to reach the Earth’s surface every year but only five or six of those are recovered for scientists to study.
link-link 3

That's all 4 today Bye! :D :D :D :D :D 


Thursday, November 21, 2013

Warning: Breaking News Story
Hello Everyone  welcome back to A News!(one exclamation point) We have a breaking news story!!!!!!(6 exclamation points)  Where did dogs first appear????( 4 question marks)

DNA  Point To Europe
They appeared some 19,000 to 32,000 years ago. But how did they originate from Europe exactly.  Scientist totally agree that dogs are wolves ancestors I do to.  So the wolves ancestors began to communicate(bark, growl,scratch and much more) with people. People thought they were drawn to food in the garbage dumps or their food that they were cooking or something. In this process they tamed themselves and humans found them useful for hunting and stuff like that so they would not need to go into the cold or hot.  In that process they became the first dogs. I love dogs don't you Science Cat? Yes I do. Anyway back to the news...

More and More Research
Researchers gathered DNA from long ago like I said 19,000 to 32,000 years ago found fossils of wolf like and dog like creatures.  They found them in Argentina, Belgium, Germany, Russia, Switzerland and the USA.  They found out that they compared to 49 wolfs in America, Asia, Europe and the middle east.  Then they found 77 breeds of a lot of kinds of dogs like:  cocker spaniel, basenji and golden retriever, and four coyotes.  The DNA matched the DNA of European wolfs! 

Let's Just Talk About Dogs.
People keeped saying "Europe is not the only place where dogs came from is it?" The sad thing is that she was wrong. This is how it went down... So The wolf/dog started to mingle with a human.  The human told everyone that he had a pet wolf. and the people that live there did not want him there so he moved... to Asia. They excepted the wolf there and the wolf was worshiped there and so he move to place to place and eventually the wolf/dog ran away. And they all lived happily ever after cause I don't want to tell the sad part.  That is A news say peace out and see my links... Click on the pictures to!

This little guy is in Russia in the snow (must be really cold out there)


 Cute isn't is(not the Sparta thing)



Saturday, November 16, 2013

Hello everyone today we are going to talk about mars! Lets go on an adventure today!
Roman Mythology
Let's talk about roman mythology first. So what is mars named after exactly? Well this is why were talking about roman mythology! Well Mars is named after the roman god named Mars and the Greek version Ares. So it was named after him and it means "war". Just saying I think Venus and Mars should switch names. Well anyway let's move on shall we?
The Red Planet

How did Mars get the name Red Planet Science Cat? Well because in the sky it looks really red and because of it's rich-red soil. No Way!  Mars gets the Red Planet name so many things right Science cat! Yeah! So another name is from the color of war. Why? Because it's red!  Well anyway we should really move on.
 Mars has two moons 
Phobos /Fear
Deimos /terror
There only small chunks of rock that are caught in rotation with mars. Why are they named fear and terror though? Well their named fear and terror because mars is named after war and you fear it and you have terror when it is happening. That's kind of scary just saying. Anyway let's move on.

                                              Atmosphere and Temp
What is Mar's temperature and Atmosphere like? Well Mar's temp can go to -55. That's really low and cold. What is Mar's atmosphere made of. It is 75% carbon dioxide and the other half is well I do not know. Mar's has dust storms and if you go there wait you probeley can't! Well anyway on we go.
 People think there might be water on mars and I totally agree with them. Why?  Well because  there are polar ice caps and the polar ice caps are made out of water but frozen. There are also channels but when people first saw them they thought they were canals. Well their not so deal with it. There has to be water in the polar ice caps right. I still agree on that so ya let's move on.

Comparing Earth and Mars
What do mars and Earth have in common? Well let's see.
  1. They both have south and north pole
  2.  They look alike
  3. they both have mountain
  4. they both have volcano's
  5. They both have a mountain  name Mt. Olympus
And so much more!!!                  
My Top 5
  1. Mars was named after the Roman god Mars.
  2. Mars might have water.
  3. Mar's moons are fear and terror.
  4. It's moons are asteroids
  5. It has a iron core.
Peace Out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Mercury and Venus

Hello I know I have not done a blog in a while so here I am!  So today we are going to talk about Mercury and Venus!

                                              Compare and Contrast

What exactly do Mercury and Venus have in common

  • Their both really really hot!
  • Mercury and Venus both have moutians.
  • So Much More!!!
  • Venus has volcano's and Mercury does not.
  • Venus is really slow relvoling and mercury is the fastest planet.
  • Venus is hot all the time.
  • Mercury at night goes down to -180 degrees Celsius.
On We Go!

Where is Venus you ask well Venus is the 2nd planet in the solar system. Venus is hot all the time even at night time.  Hi Science Cat we're talking about Venus want to help? Sure. So why can't we live on Venus Science Cat? Well Venus is so hot about 900 degrees Celsiuses so it will be a quick death for people who go onto Venus. No does that mean I'm going to get pulled into the core! No it means that you'll die and stuff! Any way let's talk about Mercury.

Mercury is the smallest planet and the closest to the sun. Mercury is also the fastest planet! So let's talk about it's surface temperature. Why exactly does the surface vary so much. So at night it is -180 degrees and at night it is hot enough to melt lead. So the reason why is because the place of the sun. On one side the sun is not over there and so it is really cold even ice is in the craters. On the other side the sun is over there and it's really really hot. ON WE GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Where do mercury's and Venuses  name come from well I had to research it so here it is
Mercury: It was named after the messenger god, Mercury.
Venus: It was named after the goddess love and beauty.



Sunday, October 20, 2013

 So today we are going to talk about something amazing!  Its about how scientist think they have cracked the code for getting ride and going into a BLACK HOLE!  hThe scientist think that gravintaional wavelengths can make a black hole just disappear. Wait a second some of you don't know what a black hole is! Well a black hole is a hole that is black and nothing can escape it not even light! How can gravitational wavelengths possible help us crack the code to a black hole???

So why is the code wavelengths? No one knows for sure.  A gravitational wave is a brother/sister to a ripple in space-time.  Albert Einstein found out that in our bodies is how the waves are created and so whenever we put our body or any ones body in a black hole the black hole gets weaker and weaker and weaker. After about 100,000,000 bodies/people are in there the black hole will eventually die and disappear. That is the code to making a black hole disappear but in 5 years or so it comes back where ever it died cause it does not die forever mahhhahhhahahahha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well my opion abouot this story was that it is really cool and they have cracked the code to makeing a black hole dissapear.


Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Hey yo peeps!!!!!!! Well we're going to talk about galaxies! So excited to talk about this topic! Anyway  - so what is a galaxy exactly?  Well a galaxy is a huge group of dust, gas and stars and the galaxy is held together by gravity.  Hey look at all the galaxies around us!!!
There are about 11111111111111111000000000 galaxies... just kidding.  There are actually 100 billion galaxies.  I know so many galaxies I'll count them 1.2.3 oh never mind. Well about the 100 billion galaxies that's just an estimate. More galaxies are growing right this second! Hey look over there!
This is my first time were going to time travel. So don't kill me if I mess it up.
Lets go talk to Edwin Hubble...
Me: Hi so you found out that all the galaxies are speeding away from us right?
Hubble: Yes I did I also found out about Cepheid variables.
Me: What are those?
Hubble: Well Cepheid variables are stars.
Me: Well that's interesting. Well - we have to go bye!
Hubble: Bye!



Lets talk about superclusters you ask.  A supercluster is a large group of stars! Their so tiny! Superclusters are the biggest structures in the universe!  The average distance between galaxies are ten diameters so far!!!! A huge supercluster it takes about 100 million light years in diameter! That's a lot!
There are 4 ways you can classify a galaxy. 1) Elliptical- They are shaped like a ball and contain dust, gas and mostly old stars. 2) Spiral- They are disk shaped and they have 2 major arms and many minor arms.  They have mostly mid- aged stars.3) There is also a barred spiral galaxy witch fits into the spiral but anyway. Our galaxy is a barred spiral. They have a band across the middle. 4) Irregular-  This galaxy has no shape at all! They are filled with baby stars!
There is a thing in space called Doppler Shift. Doppler Shift includes Blue shift and Red shift. Blue shift is when a planet is moving toward us and it on the blue side of the scale. Then there is Red shift. Red shift is when its moving away from us and its on the red side of the scale. So blue coming toward us and red away from us.
Well Peace Out!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D ;D